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My friend wants me to be their multiple personality’s caregiver

Posted: May 16 2021
by makalonu
hey everyone, I'm new to being a caregiver and one of my friends has at least 3 other personalities and 2 of them are age regressors and 1 of the personalities asked me to be their caregiver. any tips

Re: My friend wants me to be their multiple personality’s caregiver

Posted: May 17 2021
by Motherly
Hi! Welcome to caregiving!

Please know that mental conditions that cause multiple personalities or “alters” are not Littles or littlespace experiences. What they are describing is a serious mental condition (likely Disassociative Identity Disorder or what was formerly outright labeled as Multiple Personalities Disorder) that only a licensed therapist and medication under medical supervision can help. Your friend will need to see a therapist to receive the appropriate type of help they truly need. If their current therapist is not adequately helping their symptoms then they should seek out a new therapist for treatment. This is not a mental condition that is recoverable, and is diagnosed as a lifelong disorder.

If your friend insists on you being their Caregiver then know that this is romantic and very emotionally demanding. You would be agreeing to start a romantic relationship with this person, who will no longer be just a friend. If you are truly considering this despite this not being littlespace experiences then please take time to thoroughly educate yourself. You cannot replace therapy no matter how good of a Caregiver you may be, and this person clearly needs the truly professional help network to maintain their own wellness.

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